Thursday, June 21, 2007

Podcasts and Audio

I have an iPod already so I proabably won't be using the one the library is giving us much (I'll probably give it to a friend) but I usually just use my iPod for music and every once in a while for podcasting. Where I love to use my player the most is in the car. It's great to not have to bother with CD's or the radio. Just set it to shuffle and your done!

Sharing Information

I have really liked Learn 2.0 because not only have I discovered new applications that I love, like dogster and bookmooch, but I have also been able to help some of my co-workers who are not as familiar with computers or the internet. I don't know if I could function without the internet! I only say that though because there are so many people I've met, useful websites, and places (such as wikipedia) where you can learn about pretty much everything you want. It's nice that people who haven't had as much exposure to it are getting to see what the fuss is all about!

Digital Music

The way I stand on DRM is that as long as you buy the album once you should be able to put it on your iPod, copy to another CD or just leave it on your computer if you want. I think that you should be able to copy a CD to your computer if you just paid 12 dollars for it and I don't think that if you do it should put harmful programs on your computer (as was the case with sony not long ago with some albums they released). I don't use napster or iTunes when it comes to where I get my music actually. I use a site called You can download songs for a bout 10-20 cents each and albums for about 2 dollars (a little more a little less depending on length). Also, there are no restricitions on what player you can put your music onto and you can simply burn them to a disc if you want. Something else that this website offers that iTunes doesn't is that you can pick what format and the quality of the sound.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Play time

Of all the applications mentioned this week the one that I really enjoyed was Blufr. I'm a sucker for any type of trivia game, and this is a nice twist on the old true or false format. I also very much enjoyed dogster since I have dog of my own. She's a silky terrier and she is a very spoiled dog, but at the same time a very sweet one (as long as you giver her some table scraps.) I really loved to see other people's prized pooches.

I haven't tried to the adventure portion of this week's activities yet, but I may if I have the chance.

Library Thing

The library technologies that I really love are the downloadable audio books and the mylibrary DV. They are both very convenient in that it gives people the chance of not having to come to library to find a book or movie. It also helps in case the movie or book you are looking for are not on the shelf. Also the fact that it's a digital file that doesn't get scratched up, lost, or broken helps both the patron and the libary itself.

Of the applications mentioned I really loved book mooch since I have many books that I'm willing to give away and the idea of a worldwide book swap is very interesting. I also loved shelfari as a way to catalog your books and see what other people have. I use one for my DVD's since I have so many and people are constantly borrowing them as a way to keep track of them.

Monday, May 14, 2007

You Tube: Voice of the People

Of all the applications covered in this week's lesson my favorite I think will always be You Tube. I love finding really bad fan videos people make and checking out music videos from the 80's. The best thing about You Tube is the fact that you can sees episodes of TV shows you would never see other wise, or episodes of TV shows that you haven't seen in many years like Rocko's Modern Life, or The Adventures of Pete and Pete. People have even been putting full episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 that they have divided up in 10 parts. Someone keeps a catalog of them all on a Live Journal MST3K community I'm a member of.

One day I will put a video on You Tube and, I will be awesome.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bloglines and Grokker

I tried out Bloglines and I did like it alright. I don't know if it is something I would use on a daily basis, but it's nice to have some favorite blogs together so you can just check them all at once for updates. I did find some cool Disney blogs when I searched and a feed for Get Fuzzy and Pearls Before Swine which are two of my favorite comic strips. I guess I just have a thing for talking animals. I'll defintely have to mess around more with RSS feeds when I get home since I know there is a button on my internet toolbar for it, but I've never used it.

I did really like Grokker though. I did a search on Harry Houdini to see how the site worked and I liked how it took the information and categorized it. It will definitely come in handy when I do a research paper because it will be nice to know what the articles are about so I don't have to sift through them all.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Blogging? That sounds like something they do in Holland.

I have to admit that I have blogged many times and I'm addicted to it. I also love to read other people's blogs. Especially ones that have to do with Disney (sad but true). Most of the time when I blog I do so on LiveJournal and just talk about what's happening in my life or funny things I see on the internet.